About us

eTechlic was a technology blog launched by Nikhil in 2011. It is started with an aim of make it possible to reach technology to all the hands. Technology should not kept away from common men. We continuously reduce the gap of technology and reach to people. For that we are providing various kind of awareness program.  Thus can ensure people take maximum advantage of technologies. We primary focus on review, guides, tips, tricks, video tutorials and everything related to software, web applications, tools, electronic devices and designing issues.

eTechlic is a mobile-friendly website. The content is formatted specifically for mobile devices and personal computers. For visitors from mobile devices some page different from original homepage is viewed. It is light weight and easy to load. These page is unavailable to desktop or laptop users.

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We also have mobile applications for Android devices and Symbian phones. You can download them from Apps Geyser market and NokiaOvi website respectively.

To Know about the author please see about the author page.

Updated on December 28, 2012